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This page is about scientific thought.
Who is wise? & what is the wisdom?

Think... Numbers in Quran.

Do you think that this expression is accidental?
What will you think about and what s your inferences,
- If you know that;
Word, Day (Al-yawm) – 365
Month (Al-shahr) – 12
Hour (Al-sa`at) – 24 times repeat in quran.
Number, 19 is equal letters of بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم (besmellahe-rahmane-rahim) means In the name of god most gracious most merciful.
This num. is very important in all part of Quran as prime number.
Cross section letters (like TaHa in 20th surah of quran) in that surah come at first, is coefficient of 19.
Another word and number;
- Light (al-noor) 24, dimness(Al-zolmat) 24.
- Universe (universe of life or this universe) (Al-Dinya) 105, afterlife (that universe) (Al-akherat) 105.
- … .
- Severity (difficult)(Al-shed`dat) 102, patience 102.
Look at your hand. You have 5 finger, with 14 phalanx that come together (become unity.)
- What is this mystery?
We will explain about entropy law from quran,
Also about fractal geometry structure of Quran